Minggu, 02 Desember 2007

Texas Armoring Corporation - Commercial Success in Iraq

Commercial Success in Iraq

BMW hardened with Texas Armoring Corporation's technology.
Chevy Sonoras refitted by Texas Armoring Corporation.

Texas Armoring Corporation

4728 Cotton Belt Drive

San Antonio, Texas 78219

Congressional District: TX-28

Contact: Robert Kimball, President

Tel: 210-666-3344; Fax: 210-666-3330

E-mail: tacinfo@satx.rr.com

Website: http://www.texasarmoring.com

Texas Armoring, a small San Antonio, TX vehicle security refitting company, has had over $6 million in sales in the Iraq marketplace. Servicing both reconstruction and non-reconstruction clients, Texas Armoring has been successfully marketing its products throughout Iraq with the help of local sales agents. All of the add-on parts used in the company’s refitting are manufactured in its plant at San Antonio. Over twenty-five new positions at its company plant have been created to support demand for its products as well as 3 Iraqi sales agents employed in the region.

Texas Armoring has been manufacturing its product for over 25 years. According to Ronald Kimball, president of Texas Armoring, “ We are pleased that we are a part of the efforts that are being made to save lives”.

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