Minggu, 02 Desember 2007

Novitech LLC - Commercial Success in Iraq

Commercial Success in Iraq

Ziad Kawash, President of Novitech (July 2004).

Novitech LLC

1025 Connecticut Ave., NW

The Blake Building, 10th Floor

Washington, DC 20036

Congressional District: DC- At Large

Contact: Ziad Kawash, President

Tel: 202-828-1296; Fax: 202-828-1298

E-mail: zkawash@novitech.net

Website: http://www.novitech.net

Novitech, a medium-size Washington D.C. based telecommunications and IT company, launched its Iraqi operations in May 2003. Novitech is supplying, installing and maintaining U.S. made hardware and telecommunications consulting to the Iraqi market. It has expanded its consulting services by providing strategic business advice to non-telecommunications companies interested in pursuing business opportunities in Iraq.

Novitech’s Iraqi operation has created over a dozen full-time and part-time U.S. jobs as well as numerous jobs for Iraqis. Whenever possible Novitech utilizes Iraqi expertise and labor and combines this with American made equipment and software. In cases where the skills demanded are unavailable locally, it has established training programs to facilitate their development.

Novitech has provided insight, based upon its own experience, on what is involved to become a long-term successful business in Iraq. According to Novitech president Ziad Kawash, “Iraqis are now running their own affairs. If you want to be a long-term player in the re-building of Iraq, then you must take the time to evaluate, pick and build relationships with the right partners on the ground in Iraq. This is the most critical decision you will make.”

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